NC steps to the plate to make sure cities, towns and counties cannot limit rain barrels and cisterns. We are fortunate in NC to get a consistent amount of rain each month throughout the year. Here in Raleigh we average 42" a year. If one is able to harvest even a percentage of that then they are able to start to offset their potable water use. This is a step in the right direction.
This became law 1 July 2011.
"§ 153A‑145. Limitations on regulating cisterns and rain barrels.
No county ordinance may prohibit or have the effect of prohibiting the installation and maintenance of cisterns and rain barrel collection systems used to collect water for irrigation purposes. A county may regulate the installation and maintenance of those cisterns and rain barrel collection systems for the purpose of protecting the public health and safety and for the purpose of preventing them from becoming a public nuisance."
"§ 160A‑202. Limitations on regulating cisterns and rain barrels.
No city ordinance may prohibit or have the effect of prohibiting the installation
and maintenance of cisterns and rain barrel collection systems used to collect
water for irrigation purposes. A city may regulate the installation and
maintenance of those cisterns and rain barrel collection systems for the
purpose of protecting the public health and safety and for the purpose of
preventing them from becoming a public nuisance."
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