
Lynn Ruck

Nutrena's Scoop From The Coop Blog

 This was posted today by Nutrena and we wanted to share! Rain Barrels For The Chicken Coop The Scoop From The Coop is proudly brought to you by Nutrena and Cargill Animal Nutrition. Be sure to meet our team of authors, and don’t hesitate to leave your questions and insights in our comments area.  The photo shows our Moby 65 gallon rain barrel and an Ivy 50 gallon rain barrel linked together and some of our chickens! Here is the direct link if you want to subscribe, I did. Many backyard chicken coops share an annoying problem. They’re located...

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Mike Ruck

Santa Monica CA rain barel rebate

City of Santa Monica Rain Barrel Rebate Program Rebate up to $200 per rain barrel w/maximum of 2 per downspout; 8 barrels per property Eligibility - property owner (resident, institution or business) in the City of Santa Monica and any tenant of said property with the permission of the owner. Eligibility All properties in Santa Monica are eligible, with the exception of new construction, major remodels. Front yards, back yards, side yards, and parkways are eligible for this rebate. Requirements Submit “before” photo and receipts. Include address and contact info. Email to, or mail to: Rain Harvest Rebate City...

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Mike Ruck

Rain Water Solutions partners with Cedar Park to break a record!

Cedar Park, TX - Rain Water Solutions partnered with Cedar Park and Round Rock to supply the Ivy Rain Barrel to their citizens at a greatly reduced price. The one day event distributed almost 1,000 rain barrels. It was a great success.   Let us help you bring Ivy Rain Barrels to your community. Be sure to visit and let us take all the confusion and hassle out your rain barrel program. We are here to help! Contact us at Read the local press:  

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Mike Ruck

Boone and Watauga County Residents Offered Rain Barrels Through New Program

Boone, NC– The Town of Boone, Watauga County Cooperative Extension, and the Watauga County Soil and Water Conservation District is pleased to announce they are now offering  “Ivy” rain barrels through their new rain barrel program. They are offering the rain barrels at a discounted price to encourage residents to promote water conservation and protect water quality.  

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